A Story of Familiar Beginnings

Thank you for joining us in our mission!

Thank you for taking the time to read our initiative. We are starting a long journey to change the life of our people who are in dire condition. When the war broke, it spared no land and didn’t discriminate against anyone. Everyone became a victim. 

In Tigray, the gate of hell was open overnight. People migrated and run for their life thousands of miles, wearing just the clothes they had on. Children, the elderly, and women were gravely affected. This is where we stand together to make a difference. 

How I was inspired to start the Yodit for Women and Children Foundation:

Growing up in a war zone of Tigray back in 1980, I myself endured the effects of a raging war. I was a young girl in the city of Adegrt and had to flee with my sister. We traveled for nearly a month before we could make it to safety.

Our women who escaped the indiscriminate shelling and killing had to travel for days through the harsh terrain of the hot western Tigray region, with nothing but the clothes they had on their backs – no water, food, and no access to any hygiene material. 

The little that was given was from the UNHCR – whole grain, that was being boiled as there was no access to mills. The little portion distributed was barely sustaining them exposing children and mothers to unprecedented malnutrition and disease.

I witnessed the harsh living condition of our Tigrayan in the refugee camps. People were sleeping on a muddy floor during the heavy rainy and windy seasons. Many of whom become victims of snake and scorpion bites. The tents could not endure the windy environment; at times the tents were destroyed by harsh weather conditions.

Though I am not a historian, I believe history is repeating itself. This time, I want to be the first responder to our people who are in need. As women’s dignity materials are scarce, many volunteers and I managed to take dignity kits to 9,000 women and were distributed to them in three existing refugee camps. I also worked to rebuild tents and hopes for refugees. I believe there are so many other ways in which we can help if we just start.

I am Yodit Ataklti, and I stand by my people! As our elders say, you can’t clap with one hand and that is why I want to rally, inspire, and put good people together during this challenging time to overcome the unforgiving and non-remitting problems of people.


The Devastation of War


The Dawn of Hope